
LINQ to Objects : How to Change the Return Type (Select Projection)

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3/22/2012 11:19:18 AM
When you write queries against a database system in SQL, specifying a set of columns to return is second nature. The goal is to limit the columns returned to only those necessary for the query in order to improve performance and limit network traffic (the less data transferred, the better). This is achieved by listing the column names after the Select clause in the following format. In most cases, only the columns of interest are returned using the SQL syntax form:
Select * from Contacts

Select ContactId, FirstName, LastName from Contacts

The first query will return every column (and row) of the contacts table; the second will return only the three columns explicitly listed (for every row), saving server and network resources. The point is that the SQL language syntax allows a different set of rows that does not match any existing database table, view, or schema to be the structure used in returning data. Select projections in LINQ query expressions allow us to achieve the same task. If only few property values are needed in the result set, those properties or fields are the only ones returned.

LINQ selection projections allow varied and powerful control over how and what data shape is returned from a query expression.

The different ways a select projection can return results are

  • As a single result value or element

  • In an IEnumerable<T> where T is of the same type as the source items

  • In an IEnumerable<T> where T is any existing type constructed in the select projection

  • In an IEnumerable<T> where T is an anonymous type created in the select projection

  • In an IEnumberable<IGrouping<TKey, TElement>>, which is a collection of grouped objects that share a common key

Each projection style has its use, and each style is explained by example in the following sections.

How Much Data Are You Projecting in a Select Projection?

As with all good data-access paradigms, the goal should be to return the fewest properties as possible when defining a query result shape. This reduces the memory footprint and makes the result set easier to code against because there are fewer properties to wade through.

Return a Single Result Value or Element

Some of the standard query operators return a single value as the result, or a single element from the source collection; these operators are listed in Table 1. Each of these operators end any cascading of results into another query, and instead return a single result value or source element.

Table 1. Sample Set of Operators that Return a Specific Result Value Type
Return TypeStandard Query Operator
NumericAggregate, Average, Max, Min, Sum, Count, LongCount
BooleanAll, Any, Contains, SequenceEqual
Type <T>ElementAt, ElementAtOrDefault, First, FirstOrDefault, Last, LastOrDefault, Single, SingleOrDefault, DefaultIfEmpty

As an example, the following simple query returns the last element in the integer array, writing the number 2 to the Console window:

int[] nums = new int[] { 5, 3, 4, 2 };
int last = nums.Last();

Return the Same Type as the Source—IEnumerable<TSource>

The most basic projection type returns a filtered and ordered subset of the original source items. This projection is achieved by specifying the range variable as the argument after the select keyword. The following example returns an IEnumerable<Contact>, with the type Contact being inferred from the element type of the source collection:

List<Contact> contacts = Contact.SampleData();

IEnumerable<Contact> q = from c in contacts
                         select c;

A more appropriate query would filter the results and order them in some convenient fashion. You are still returning a collection of the same type, but the number of elements and their order will be different.

List<Contact> contacts = Contact.SampleData();

IEnumerable<Contact> q = from c in contacts
                         where c.State == "WA"
                         orderby c.LastName,
                                 c.FirstName ascending
                         select c;

Return a Different Type Than the Source—IEnumerable<TAny>

Any type can be projected as part of the select clause, not just the source type. The target type can be any available type that could otherwise be manually constructed with a plain new statement from the scope of code being written.

If the type being constructed has a parameterized constructor containing all of the parameters you specifically need, then you simply call that constructor. If no constructor matches the parameter’s needed for this projection, either create one or consider using the C# 3.0 type initializer syntax. The benefit of using the new type initializer semantics is that it frees you from having to define a specific constructor each time a new projection signature is needed to cater for different query shapes. Listing 3-7 demonstrates how to project an IEnumerable<ContactName> using both constructor semantics.


Resist the temptation to overuse the type initializer syntax. It requires that all properties being initialized through this syntax be read and write (have a getter and setter). If a property should be read-only, don’t make it read/write just for this feature. 

Listing 1. Projecting to a collection of a new type—constructed using either a specific constructor or by using type initializer syntax
List<Contact> contacts = Contact.SampleData();

// using a parameterized constructor
IEnumerable<ContactName> q1 =
    from c in contacts
    select new ContactName(
           c.LastName + ", " + c.FirstName,
           (DateTime.Now - c.DateOfBirth).Days / 365);

// using Type Initializer semantics
// note: The type requires a parameterless constructor
IEnumerable<ContactName> q2 =
  from c in contacts
  select new ContactName
      FullName = c.LastName + ", " + c.FirstName,
      YearsOfAge =
           (DateTime.Now - c.DateOfBirth).Days / 365

// ContactName class definition
public class ContactName
    public string FullName { get; set; }
    public int YearsOfAge { get; set; }

    // constructor needed for
    // object initialization example
    public ContactName() {

    // constructor required for
    // type projection example
    public ContactName(string name, int age)
        this.FullName = name;
        this.YearsOfAge = age;


Return an Anonymous Type—IEnumerable<TAnonymous>

Anonymous types is a new language feature introduced in C# 3.0 where the compiler creates a type on-the-fly based on the object initialization expression (the expression on the right side of the initial = sign). The following query demonstrates projecting to an IEnumerable<T> collection where T is an anonymous type:

List<Contact> contacts = Contact.SampleData();

var q = from c in contacts
        select new
             FullName = c.LastName + ", " + c.FirstName,
             YearsOfAge =
                (DateTime.Now - c.DateOfBirth).Days / 365

The anonymous type created in the previous example is composed of two properties, FullName and YearsOfAge.

Anonymous types free us from having to write and maintain a specific type definition for every different return result collection needed. The only drawback is that these types are method-scoped and cannot be used outside of the method they are declared by (unless passed as a System.Object type, but this is not recommended because property access to this object subsequently will need to use reflection).

Return a Set of Grouped Objects—IEnumerable<IGrouping<TKey,TElement>>

It is possible for LINQ to Objects to group results that share common source values or any given characteristic that can be equated with an expression using the group by query expression keyword or the GroupBy extension method.
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